
Soft tissue trauma of mandible from maloccluding maxillary incisors

Retained primary canine tooth causing secondary canine tooth malocclusion

Retained primary canine tooth

Involved maxillary incisors extracted

Post extraction of primary canine tooth

Post extraction of primary canine tooth

Class 3 malocclusion

Class 3 malocclusion
Oronasal Fistula

Oronasal Fistula

Oronasal Fistula

Fistula repaired via flap surgery

Fistula Repaired
Periodontal Disease

Advanced periodontal disease, stage 4

Advanced periodontal disease, stage 4, calculus removed

Blue arrow: perio-endo lesionWhite arrow: note immature pulp cavity indicating tooth death at younger age

Dilacerated and nonvital mandibular carnassial tooth with stage 4 periodontal lesion

Advanced periodontal disease, stage 4

Advanced periodontal disease, stage 4, calculus removed

Post extraction of end stage teeth

Post extraction of diseased tooth
Enamel Lesions

Tooth abrasion, abnormal wear lesion requiring treatment
Discolored Teeth

Discolored and nonvital tooth from pulpal hemorrhage resulting from tooth trauma

Root canal therapy is the indicated treatment

Guinea pig malocclusion of incisors

Guinea pig malocclusion of cheek teeth
Feline Stomatitis

Feline stomatitis

Post surgical debridement
Fractured Teeth

Fractured maxillary carnassial tooth with pulp exposure

Fractured maxillary carnassial tooth

Restorative metal crown applied to fractured tooth

Pulp chamber wider than surrounding teeth indicating pulpal death at more immature age

Post root canal therapy

After root canal therapy

Post root canal therapy

Fracture with pulp exposure; nonvital pulp showing

Post root canal therapy

Restorative metal crown applied to treated fractured tooth
Jaw Fractures

Mandibular fracture

Mandibular fracture

Fracture repair with acrylic J-splint

Fracture repair with acrylic J-splint

Pathological mandibular fracturefrom advanced periodontitis

Mandibular fracture, jaw weakened due to advanced periodontitis

Acrylic and wire splint

Acrylic and wire splint
Oral Neoplasia

Oral Neoplasia

Tumor removed